
VENTURA : 450 Booths Available for July 4 Street Fair

The city of Ventura has 450 booths available to food and arts and crafts vendors for its 20th annual Fourth of July Street Fair.

Food booths cost $50 plus 10% of gross earnings over $300.

Arts and crafts booths cost $50 to $120, depending upon the booth’s location and whether the artist is from Ventura. All wares sold at such booths must be handmade.

Nonprofit groups also may distribute information or sell baked goods for $35 to $45. Top priority for the 70 food booths goes to Ventura restaurants and nonprofit organizations.


About 40,000 people attended the event last year, and city officials expect a large crowd this year. Funds raised benefit the city’s Parks and Recreation Department.

City officials urged interested parties to act quickly.

“We’ve already had 150 applicants for the booths,” special events spokeswoman Kim Petraitis said. The deadline for reservations is June 1, but Petraitis said the booth openings usually fill up before then.

For more information, call 654-7830.
