
THOUSAND OAKS : Zeanah to Push for Better Restaurants

Councilwoman Elois Zeanah on Tues-day plans to urge Thousand Oaks to go shopping for a few good restaurants.

In a memo to other council members, Zeanah points out the paucity of restaurants near the Civic Arts Plaza and recommends that City Manager Grant Brimhall actively seek quality restaurants to relocate to the area.

She also suggests using the city’s Redevelopment Agency funds to supplement private development on several parcels for sale across from the Civic Arts Plaza, including possibly building a parking structure.


Zeanah said several residents have told her how much they wish they could walk from shows at the Performing Arts Center to have dinner or dessert.

There are only a few restaurants within walking distance and none among the storefronts directly across from the $64-million Civic Arts Plaza.

Zeanah’s suggestions will be discussed at Tuesday night’s council meeting.
