
CSUN Shows Sensitivity to the Needs of the Disabled

* We at Cal State Northridge read with great interest and some dismay the story of April 30 “Complaint Prompts CSUN to Promise Better Wheelchair Access.” The sentiment of the story left some people thinking and saying that Cal State Northridge must have a real problem caring for people with disabilities.

The reporter made an inadequate effort to communicate that Cal State Northridge is actually in the forefront, maybe even first, among the very few that aggressively recruit people with disabilities as students and as employees.

As I was quoted, Cal State Northridge is among the most sensitive institutions in the nation to the needs of students, employees and customers with disabilities, but we are not perfect. Many of our buildings were designed and built before the Americans with Disabilities Act was even a gleam in a legislator’s eye. On the other hand, I would compare our sensibilities and our accessibilities with those of our peer institutions--UCLA and USC--even with those of our partners in the public interest--The Times for example.


When it comes to welcoming and serving people with disabilities, Cal State Northridge is very good, maybe the best, and we’re getting better.



Erickson is director of public relations, Cal State Northridge.
