
CITY ARTS : A Classic Culmination

Teen-agers from inner-city continuation high schools are midway through a three-week run of Sophocles’ classic Greek tragedy “Antigone,” produced by the interdisciplinary arts program Art Options.

The production is the culmination of a semester’s worth of intensive classes in painting, writing and performing arts offered in the free program, initiated by two local artists in 1992 with cooperation from the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Art Options aims to increase literacy, stimulate creativity and enhance self-esteem among teens no longer attending regular high schools and deemed at risk of dropping out completely.


For three years, the program has been funded through grants and donations, with classes held at the La Casa performance hall in Pico-Union. Most participants come from 10 continuation schools throughout central Los Angeles, but Art Options co-director Barbara Romain says the program has an open-door policy. Close to 300 teen-agers have participated in Art Options.


Performances of “Antigone” will be held today and next Sunday at 2 p.m. on the third floor of La Casa, 1828 Oak St. Today’s show will be followed by an art exhibit created by Art Options students and a reception. A donation of $10 is requested, but no one will be turned away. Information and reservations: (213) 934-1653.
