
Board Urged to Oppose Initiative

Ventura County Supervisor Susan Lacey is urging her colleagues to adopt a resolution opposing a ballot initiative that would repeal local rent-control laws governing California’s mobile-home parks.

The initiative, sponsored by owners of mobile-home parks, would void the county’s own mobile home rent-control ordinance if it is approved by voters next March, Lacey said.

“It’s kind of scary because a lot of folks out there would be affected,” Lacey said. “In some cases, these communities are the only affordable communities for families and seniors living on fixed incomes.”


The Mobilehome Fairness and Rental Assistance Act would repeal local mobile home rent-control ordinances and replace them with a statewide fund from the industry that would provide 10% rent reductions to the neediest 10% in each mobile-home park. The money would come from park owners.

The Board of Supervisors will consider Lacey’s proposal at its Tuesday meeting.
