
Daughters at Work

* I am infuriated at the Take Our Daughters to Work Day (April 27) without a corresponding Take Our Sons to Work Day (or a combination of the two). I have both a grandson and a granddaughter, and it would break my heart if my grandson were left at home, or in a classroom, as girls celebrate their own exclusive day. I question the sensitivity of employees and businesses who can’t see the unfairness in this and its effect on the self-esteem of boys. Present generations of young men and boys should not have to pay for actual or perceived past discrimination. Rather than creating resentment by excluding boys from this special day, why not welcome them so they, too, can see and fully appreciate the valuable contributions women--and men--are making to the workplace.

In the meantime, I salute the few parents--and AST in Irvine--for valuing our sons and daughters equally by including both on this special day.


Huntington Beach
