
Mideast Harmony

* Re “Separation Is Not the Key; Palestinians Can’t Be Fenced Off,” Commentary, April 24: Abba Eban should be awarded an honorary membership in Jimmy Carter’s “Peace at Any Cost” institute.

While admonishing Israel to open its borders in the spirit of freedom, democracy, etc., he conveniently chooses to downplay its nightmarish battle with continuing terrorism, which is every bit as bad as our Oklahoma City tragedy. Israeli citizens worry daily whether they or their children will be victims of a terrorist’s vendetta.

All this while PLO leader Yasser Arafat, the master of doublespeak, tells his English-speaking audience he favors peace and then turns around and gives a speech in Arabic calling for the overthrow and destruction of Israel.


If Arafat and his Arab brethren want open borders, let them earn it with their actions. Israel has sacrificed enough blood because it is a democratic nation--unlike its neighbors, whose oppressive dictators imprison or murder anyone who threatens their regimes.


Los Angeles
