
OC HIGH: STUDENT NEWS AND VIEWS : OC High Asks: What Irritates You Most About Adults?

“They’re very bossy, and they don’t listen very well.”

Kendra Kimmel, 14, freshman, Newport Harbor

“That they always compare their lives to yours.”

Javier Flores, 16, junior, Santiago

“Adults think they know everything, and, if they are wrong, they are unwilling to admit they made a mistake.”

Angela Kim, 17, senior, Villa Park

“They are total hypocrites. They tell you not to do something and then go and do it themselves.”

Kristin Erickson, 18, senior, Troy

“When they make promises that they won’t keep.”

Lisa Schmidt, 16, junior, Canyon

“They think they’re usually right, and they don’t listen to your side of the story.”

Laure Hargrove, 17, senior, Irvine

“They don’t practice what they preach.”

Galit Modiano, 17, senior, Brea Olinda

“That no matter how right you are, they’re always right because they’re older.”

Joe Cecil, 17, junior, Dana Hills

“When they give you the superior attitude and you’re supposed to simply take it. But whenever you fight back, you’re now the one who’s got the attitude and you get in trouble. It’s so unfair.”


Lynn Rollins, 16, junior, Trabuco Hills

“They think that anyone under the age of 21 is irresponsible and immature.”

Shelley Lothrop, 16, junior, Cypress

“They set high standards and expect you to fulfill them.”

Tock Phengthirath, 17, junior, Santiago

“Their general lack of interest and understanding of the younger generation. Adults oftentimes forget their youth, which results in a failure to listen to what we as youths are saying.”

Brent Crandl, 15, sophomore, Trabuco Hills

“I hate that adults always think that we think that we know everything and that every time we say something it’s because we do. Who ever said we think that?!”

Jessica Ree, 17, senior, Fountain Valley

“Their hypocritical ways.”

Rob Triplett, 17, senior, Valencia

“The fact that they’re usually right.”

Phuong Lam, 16, junior, Los Amigos

“The way they act like they are so much better than we are.”

Tamie Stover, 16, junior, Mission Viejo

“They nag you and try to control your life.”

Philip Nitollama, 15, freshman, Huntington Beach

“They feel their intelligence surpasses yours.”

Jessica Ehrlich, 16, sophomore, Los Alamitos

“When you don’t agree with them, they think you have an attitude.”

Johnny Roy, 16, junior, Saddleback

“They forget they were kids also.”

Rick Burroughs, 16, junior, St. Margaret’s

“Their condescending attitudes and how they have to be ‘wiser’ than people younger than them.”


Jen Chung, 18, senior, Troy

“When they don’t give us our freedom.”

Debbie Moon, 16, junior, Canyon

“They’re very stubborn in their mind-set.”

Shawnee Stevens, 17, senior, Irvine

“At times they have a tremendous ability to make me feel like dirt. They also tend to leave their maturity level to comply with mine, which at times is really good or really bad.”

Jeremy Mordock, 18, senior, Villa Park

“Most kids are taught to show respect toward adults. However, it’s irritating when the adult begins to abuse this authority over you. No one wants to be bossed around. If you give an adult respect, then they should respect you too.”

Monica Garcia, 15, sophomore, Brea Olinda

“They set standards for you that they don’t follow themselves, and sometimes they smell.”

Yoko Tanaka, 16, junior, Los Alamitos

“When they talk down to me.”

Diana Carreno, 17, senior, Dana Hills

“That they think they know everything, and they treat you like you don’t know anything.”

Sarah Spies, 14, freshman, Newport Harbor

“They feel as though they have so much control over everything.”

Michelle Mellgoza, 16, junior, Cypress

“They think they are older than you are.”

Eddie Mikrut, 16, junior, Fountain Valley

“The fact that adults think teen-agers are at fault for everything.”

Kelli Hoover, 15, sophomore, Los Amigos

“When adults always are right, no matter what.”

Matt Starks, 16, junior, Mission Viejo

“Some are really greedy.”

Chandra Pok, 14, freshman, Huntington Beach

“Sometimes they feel they know everything about a situation and don’t always take the time to hear all the circumstances we know about a situation.”


Jennifer Preyer, 17, senior, Saddleback

“They always have to know what you’re doing, and they ask too many questions.”

David Turley, 16, sophomore, St. Margaret’s

* Responses gathered by Corey Griffin, Troy; Sabrina Friedman, Canyon; Robert Wenzel, Irvine; Jennifer Tobkin, Villa Park; Amy Chen, Brea Olinda; Lindsey Blenkhorn, Dana Hills; Katrina Tangen, Newport Harbor; Roxeanne McGraw, Cypress; Leeza Duong, Santiago; Samantha Wood, Trabuco Hills; Tricia Michels, Fountain Valley; Ling Lu, Valencia; Linda Dao, Los Amigos; Dan Nieto, Mission Viejo; Amy Woo, Huntington Beach; Amber Pierce, Los Alamitos; Priscilla Leite, Saddleback; Jennie Franck, St. Margaret’s.
