
Company Town : VIDEO FACTS

Academy Award winner “Forrest Gump” soared to the top of the video sales chart in its first week in stores. Top 10 videos for the week ended April 30, ranked by weekly unit sales:

Last 2 wks Rank week ago Title Label 1 -- -- Forrest Gump Paramount 2 1 1 The Pagemaster Fox 3 2 2 The Lion King Disney 4 3 3 Angels in the Outfield Disney 5 -- -- Big Fox 6 5 8 Jurassic Park Universal 7 4 7 The Mask Turner 8 6 5 Little Rascals Universal 9 8 29 Barney: Barney Safety Lyon 10 9 6 Ferngully: The Last Rainforest Fox

Source: VideoScan Inc.
