
Disney Ice Rink Gets New, Cost-Saving Look : Development: Complicated sign is eliminated from plans for the facade of the under-construction building in Anaheim. The structure is designed by same architect as over-budget concert hall in Los Angeles.


The Disney Development Co. is redesigning the facade of its new downtown ice rink, but company executives have reassured city officials that the eagerly awaited facility will not experience cost overruns like the ones that have plagued the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles.

Both buildings are designed by renowned architect Frank O. Gehry, whose intricate design for the concert hall drew criticism when it caused costs to soar far above the initial projection of $210 million. The hall is still not completed and is at least $50 million over budget.

“There has been criticism on the concert hall, but not on this project,” said Liam Thorton, Disney’s development manager for the rink project.


The City Council approved revised plans for the ice rink Tuesday, eliminating a costly and complicated sign Gehry was designing.

“The former design was very ambitious and spectacular, but cost-wise, it was more than the project could bear,” said Michael Johnson, a spokesman for Disney Development Co. “In an effort to reduce the cost, the sign was eliminated, and a new design was sought.”

Disney officials, who are bankrolling the project, have refused to disclose the estimated cost of the building and would not put a price tag on the sign originally envisioned by Gehry.


But Councilman Lou Lopez said Wednesday the building has a projected cost of $10 million to $12 million.

Construction crews have been working since October on the building, which will be the new practice facility for the Mighty Ducks hockey team and also will be available for public skating and community programs.

The original sign by Gehry was an architectural feature that blended into the front of the building. Its graphic elements and canopy were found to be “economically infeasible,” according to a city staff report.


The new design features a 29-foot-high glass storefront. The rink’s logo will be visible through the glass. The new design also will allow for more of the building’s wooden beams to be visible from the outside, Disney officials said.

A logo has not yet been designed, nor has the ice center been given an official name. Disney officials said there will be no further changes to the design of the building, although its landscaping still must be approved by the city’s Planning Commission.
