Casino: City Approval of Parking Lot Expansion
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I would like to personally thank the Gardena City Council for its unanimous approval of the parking lot expansion at the Normandie Casino.
The council approval was the final step in a long planning and review phase for the lot expansion. The City Council’s unanimous support for this project is encouraging. We look forward to forming a partnership with the city of Gardena and local residents to create a plan for protecting the 750 jobs at the casino and this vital source of city revenue. Gardena’s two casinos made up $5.5 million of the city’s revenue in 1994.
Once completed, the parking area will be expanded by over 11 acres and with 100 new parking spaces. Construction will be completed within three or four months. Residents who have questions or concerns during the parking lot construction should contact the casino’s Security Department at (310) 352-3400.
I was also encouraged by the council’s comments regarding its willingness to discuss reducing Gardena’s 15% casino gross revenue fee--the highest in the state. If we are to protect the jobs at the casino and the revenue to the city, we must have a cooperative partnership with the casino, the city and local residents. RON SARAKBI Sarakbi is Normandie Casino’s general manager.