
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : Divers Fail to Find 2 Missing in Area Lake : Accident: Two people in boat that sank Sunday in Pyramid Lake were rescued, but two others have not been located.


Friends and relatives of two people still missing after a weekend boat accident kept a sad vigil Monday on the shore of Pyramid Lake as divers searched for the bodies.

The accident occurred Sunday afternoon when a Bonner-18 speedboat carrying four people apparently hit an unusually high wake and plummeted tip first into the water, authorities said.

All aboard were wearing life jackets, but only two could be rescued. A man and woman are still missing. At family members’ requests, the names of the missing and rescued have not been released.


Searching for the missing were deputies from the Sheriff’s Emergency Services Detail, county lifeguards and forest rangers, who took turns diving to depths of more than 100 feet Sunday afternoon and all day Monday.

But Monday afternoon, the divers had not even been able to find the sunken boat.

“It’s 130 feet deep,” said Deputy Jim Jennings, a diver with the Sheriff’s Department. “You can only stay down there for 10 minutes at a time.” Jennings added that a diver can safely dive only once a day to those depths.

Also making the search difficult was a lack of visibility. “The water is deep and it’s black,” said another diver, Deputy Jerry Despues.


The water was so dark on Sunday, the divers said, that they could not see the gauges on their scuba gear to see how much air they had left in their tanks. On Monday, they said, it was a bit better.

About 4:30 Monday afternoon, the divers gave up for the day. Sheriff’s Deputy Paul Hardy, who was not diving but was at the scene, said the divers will return this morning to continue the search for the missing pair.

There were two couples on the boat, authorities said--one couple was married, the other was dating. The two people rescued were the married woman and the boyfriend of the missing woman. All four were from the Sylmar area.


“The boat just sank, and they were the only ones that popped up,” said Mike McCoy, the father of the woman who was rescued.

McCoy was among a group of about 20 gathered at the boat launching pad at the lake on Monday.

“Isn’t this terrible? All these people can do is wait,” said Joel Young, 26, a close friend of the missing man since the two were 11 years old. Young pointed out that the end of this month marked the married couple’s second anniversary.

The grandmother of the woman rescued sat on a rock at the edge of the shore, watching the stream of sheriff’s boats come in and out of the cove.

“God knows what happened to the other two,” the woman said. “Yesterday (Sunday) it was so nice and calm. It wasn’t even cold.”

It was one of two tragic boating accidents on the lake on Sunday. In the first, Albert Sifuentes, 22, of Canyon Country was killed when his jet ski collided with a bass fishing boat about 1 p.m., authorities said.
