
Gang Crackdown

* Your April 20 article, “Street Gang Crackdown Producing Mixed Results,” contains inaccuracies and unfortunate misstatements of the outcome and effect of Operation Sunrise. However, before correcting these inaccuracies, I feel compelled to paint a picture of the affected area which resulted in the strategic design of Operation Sunrise.

The operation targeted one of the most violent street gangs in Los Angeles if not the entire country. The territory this gang claims as their own is a 30-by-30 block area housing approximately 44,000 people who live, work, raise families and live in fear of violent gang members. In 1994, there were 792 violent crimes committed in this area, and at least 80% of the violent crimes were committed by one violent street gang. Less than 1% of the population in this community was responsible for terrorizing, victimizing and otherwise disrupting the peaceful lifestyles of 44,000 people.

People who live and work in Los Angeles consider street gangs and drug trafficking to be among their most serious crime problems.


Now, to set the record straight. The first paragraph of the article erroneously states “only one of the 63 people arrested by an 800-member law enforcement task force has been charged with a violent felony.” Operation Sunrise resulted in the following arrests and subsequent charges filed with prosecuting agencies:

* Violent felonies (robbery, assault with deadly weapon, attempted murder, rape, aggravated assault, kidnap): 15 juveniles and eight adults. Twenty-three arrests were made for violent felony crimes.

* Narcotic felonies: 10 adults.

* Gun possession felonies: one juvenile, one adult.

* Parole or probation violations: eight adults.

* Felony possession of cloned cellular telephones: two adults.

* Misdemeanor warrant arrests: 15 adults.

The article further stated, “They didn’t get the right guys.” One of the arrestees was charged with six separate armed robberies committed in the targeted area within a three-month period. This was surely the “right guy.”


There were in fact two targeted arrestees who face prison sentences under the state’s “three strikes” law.

The majority of violent crime is committed by youthful gang members under the age of 18. The majority of the arrests made for violent felonies were of minors under the age of 18.

In 1994, 24 vicious murders were committed in the 30-by-30 block area. This year to date, only one murder has occurred in the area targeted by Operation Sunrise.



Chief of Police, Los Angeles
