
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Task Force Cites Need for New Waterworks

A city task force that has identified deficiencies and inadequacies in the water system projects that $42.9 million in capital improvements is needed to meet current and future demand.

The group held 23 meetings last year to develop a plan to finance and construct improvements, including three new wells, a reservoir and new pipelines.

“We have let (the water system) go so long, and we feel we’re putting the health and welfare of our citizens in jeopardy,” said Fred Speaker, a task force member and city planning commissioner.


The City Council approved an updated water master plan last month that outlines capital improvements over an 11-year period. The council, however, delayed action until next month on a plan to pay for the up-grades.

Council members expressed concern over the project’s costs, which would possibly be coupled with a water rate increase.

Public Works Director Les M. Jones said he will propose a rate increase of between 10% and 30% late this summer to cover the higher cost of buying water and to pay for ongoing operations and maintenance.


The water master plan also proposes increasing water storage capacity by 43 million gallons and building at least one reservoir.

Currently, the city’s three reservoirs can hold 40.5 million gallons.

“You have to make those upgrades so when people turn on their tap, they get water,” Speaker said.
