
‘Star Trek’ Series

Frank del Olmo correctly notes the lack of Latino characters in the various “Star Trek” series (Commentary, March 19). But in expressing appreciation for Robert Beltran’s role as a bridge officer in the current “Voyager” series he neglects to point out that Beltran portrays not a Latino, but an American Indian. Of course, one must wonder why an American Indian is not played by an American Indian.

Actually, there was a Latino bridge officer in the “Next Generation” series. The character was Lt. Richard Castillo who was first officer, and then captain, of the ill-fated Enterprise C. Castillo’s accomplishment was that he led Enterprise C to defend a Klingon outpost against a Romulan attack, thus earning the respect of the Klingons and laying the groundwork for peace between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.


Thousand Oaks
