
LONG BEACH : Victims to Meet Gang Members in TV Forum

Victims of gang violence will meet face to face with gang members Sunday in the last program of a cable television series about gang life in Long Beach.

The show will feature Long Beach police officer Abel Dominguez, who was left partially paralyzed nearly 18 months ago when a gang member shot him during a routine traffic stop.

The guests will also include a Long Beach pastor who counsels gang members, a psychologist who has written about violent crime and a community activist who helped forge a truce between gangs in Los Angeles.


Gloria McMillan, Long Beach human relations commissioner, organized the three-part series for her weekly CVI Cable program, “Perspectives With Gloria.” In the first program, gang members explained why they join. Police and gang members appeared together on the second show to discuss their differences.

Sunday’s live call-in program will air from 3 to 6 p.m. on channels 57 and 65. Viewers may call (310) 595-5228 to speak to the panel.
