
More Than 1 Good Station on the Dial

I am very disheartened by your feature cover and story in Ventura County Life on rock jock Steve Downes in the March 9 edition.

While I think Steve Downes’ accomplishments and talents are admirable, there are 12 excellent radio stations in Ventura County and they all survive and hopefully prosper in two ways: by attracting and maintaining listenership and by generating revenue from advertising sales. We have a tremendous job on our hands competing with the Los Angeles signals, and we make remarkable progress every day as the Los Angeles listening continues a downward trend and Ventura County supports our radio stations.

What we don’t need is your newspaper headlining a Santa Barbara station and its personality. It would be different if there weren’t personalities on the radio in Ventura County with similar or strong accomplishments and talents. There are approximately 75 disc jockeys and air personalities here who daily give of their time and talents to support the innumerable charitable events and nonprofit activities in addition to performing on air. Rarely an event or fund-raising drive occurs that a local radio person is not involved.




Marilyn Woods is vice president and general manager of KBBY-FM and KAHS-AM radio stations.
