
Don’t Blame the Lions for Your Carelessness

I’ve been reading on the issue of cougar attacks on family pets. I am appalled!

These loving, loyal pets trust us to keep them safe. With repeated sightings and attacks in certain areas, why do these people continue to allow their pets out alone ? It makes me sick that these people are either ignorant or just don’t care enough to heed the warnings in their area.

I’ve had pets all of my life and my dogs were never allowed out alone or without a leash. I value my pets too much to put them in harm’s way. There are many dangers out there besides cougars. How many warnings does it take? How many pets have to be killed for people to hear and see what’s going on?



* “Stupid is as stupid does.” This quote comes to mind when I think about the residents of La Crescenta who are watching their animals and possibly small children become meals for mountain lions.


The mountain lion is a carnivore that hunts where the hunting is good, not because they have a genocidal agenda toward pets.

These residents are shocked and upset that their pets are getting attacked by the lions.

What do they expect? They are the ones serving up the food. If these people want to live near the wilderness, then they should be aware of the consequences and suffer them . . . not the mountain lion.


Sherman Oaks
