
SPCA’s Role in Case Against Seafood Supplier

In “Seafood Supplier Sentenced for Cruelty to Animals” (March 8), I was disappointed to see that certain facts about the case were either completely wrong or left out of the story.

The entire investigation was conducted by the Los Angeles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals/Southern California, not the police. As Los Angeles’ oldest humane society, we have been protecting and sheltering animals in Southern California for over 118 years. During that time, we have been investigating cruelty cases and providing the district or city attorney’s offices with cruelty cases to prosecute.

As a nonprofit organization, we depend on donations from the private sector to fund our programs and services, including our investigations department. Without proper media coverage and being correctly identified by the media, we cannot show the success of our investigations that enable us to receive funding.


Another error in the story states that the hearing set for May 9 will determine if the defendant will “reimburse the court $27,000 for veterinary care given to the surviving turtles.” The court didn’t put out a dime for the care and rehabilitation of these turtles--the Los Angeles SPCA/SCHS did.

I implore you and your staff to please help us by getting important facts, including our name, correct. It could mean the difference between being available to help the animals the next time we are called or not being there at all.


Executive director, Los Angeles SPCA
