
No Local Control

I was very disappointed to read the headline, “Babbitt Ends Offer of El Toro Land for Irvine Co. Acreage” (March 18). Of course, the first question is why has (Interior Secretary Bruce) Babbitt capitulated to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach), but I am more concerned about Rohrabacher’s motivations in protesting the deal.

Rohrabacher, I am sure, would classify himself as a conservative. But unlike conservatives who support decisions being made locally, Rohrabacher is protesting the land-swap deal in southern Orange County. True local control would mean that the people of the general area around the El Toro land should be making the decision. Yet, to my knowledge, the congressman in whose district the El Toro site is has not protested the deal. Moreover, Rohrabacher, as a supporter of Measure A, aided in having the county take control from the local populace the decision-making process regarding land use for El Toro.

There is little to be gained in letting a fiscally irresponsible county receive land from the federal government (since when does Rohrabacher support “giveaway” programs?). Yet, the proposed land swap would have helped business (something the Republicans seem to like, generally) and would have given the federal government land for conservation, a word with the same root as “conservative.” I wonder the real reason Rohrabacher opposes the land swap, and I question Babbitt for not fighting for such a good deal.



Los Alamitos
