
DANA POINT : Disc Jockeys Pitch Alternative Prom at Dana Hills High

A pair of 18-year-old disc jockeys say they want to put on a prom for Dana Hills High School students that competes directly with the school-sponsored prom the same night.

Senior David Bailey and alumnus Nick Green say that a school official has asked them not to hold the event, which is being promoted as being $20 cheaper and having more features. Tickets for the alternative prom are $60.

“They feel we are jeopardizing their prom,” Green said this week.

Bailey and Green, who operate Conquest Enterprises, were recently rejected by the school to provide disc jockey services for the school’s official prom, set for late May.


School district spokeswoman Jacqueline Price said Dana Hills High School officials were disturbed Wednesday by the appearance of flyers on campus publicizing the private venture.

“If one looked at that flier, one could assume the event is school sponsored, which it is not,” Price said.

Price also said that Green was on campus “inappropriately” during school hours while helping distribute flyers.


Green said he and his partner won’t hold their prom unless they receive a minimum number of reservations. He said reservations are being accepted early enough to cancel the event if a minimum number of reservations aren’t sold, giving students a chance to buy tickets for the school-sponsored prom.

The proposed alternative prom, like the school’s prom, is for juniors and seniors, Green said.

Price said the district had not been able to confirm if the proposed alternative prom will have any adult chaperons, as its organizers claim.


Price said the school doesn’t intend to change its prom plans.

“The school is going to sponsor its prom as it has regularly done and students will continue to work on it,” Price said.
