
HUNTINGTON BEACH : City Says Fiscal Impact of Homes Unresolved

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The city will ask the county Planning Commission today to postpone taking action on a development agreement for the Bolsa Chica project until fiscal impacts to the city are addressed.

After 2 1/2 hours of discussion, the council Monday unanimously agreed that there are unresolved financial issues that the 3,300-home project will have on the city. The development is planned for land next to the city.

Chief among the city’s concerns are costs to the city to provide public safety and library services to Bolsa Chica residents. The council set April 11 as a target date to resolve the fiscal issues in negotiations with the county staff and the developer, Koll Real Estate Group.


If the county Planning Commission rejects the city’s request to postpone approval of the developer agreement, the council will ask the commission to vote against it.

“The one thing we don’t want is approval, because the fiscal impacts have not been addressed,” said Councilman David Sullivan, adding that the city wants its concerns addressed in the development agreement.

Local environmental groups also oppose the proposed agreement because of the potential financial cost to city taxpayers.


“The negative fiscal impacts to the city are incredible,” said Bob Winchell of Huntington Beach Tomorrow, charging that some costs will remain forever.

Lucy Dunn, Koll Real Estate Group senior vice president, said the company is willing to continue talks with the city.
