
Pete Wilson

I have decided that if Pete Wilson declares his candidacy for the presidential election, I will change my voter registration to the Republican Party before the primary. Then, I will proceed to vote for any Republican on the ticket but Wilson!

In the last election, I voted as a nonpartisan for Wilson because of the economic and natural disasters which have hit California at unprecedented levels in recent years. We need a strong response to these issues and a voice against unfunded mandates directed towards the federal government. The voters were promised an unstinting, full-term effort to get California turned around and functioning as a viable entity in the face of national and global competition.

If the Wilson campaign lackeys think that I will allow my vote to be trashed for political expediency, they are badly mistaken. Do they seriously think that I would vote for someone with the understanding that no commitments made to get my vote need be honored? This is not a Wilson policy that failed in the Legislature in spite of a voter mandate; this is arrogant power-building at the expense of sorely needed leadership in Sacramento. If this is what politics in the United States has come down to, it’s small wonder that nobody wastes their time at the ballot box anymore.



South Pasadena

As a native Californian, I have weathered fire and floods and withstood riots and quakes; what I may not endure, however, is the political fallout (i.e. Prop. 187, end of affirmative action) of Gov. Wilson’s presidential ambitions.


Manhattan Beach

Where would Wilson be without Prop. 187 and affirmative action?


Pico Rivera
