

Issues coming up

Los Alamitos

School Board meeting

When: Today, 7 p.m.

Where: District office board room, 10293 Bloomfield St.

What: Trustees of the Los Alamitos Unified School District will hear the recommendations of a nine-member panel that reviewed attendance boundaries for Oak and McAuliffe middle schools. The panel is expected to recommend boundaries significantly different from the one the school board approved last month, which set Los Alamitos Boulevard/Seal Beach Boulevard as the boundary for the two schools. Students living east of the boulevard would attend McAuliffe and those west of the roadway would enroll at Oak, which is reopening in the fall after having been closed since 1986. But opposition from parents prompted district officials to appoint the panel of parents, trustees and administrators to consider a compromise. One of the panel’s recommendations is to give students in two Seal Beach neighborhoods the choice of schools to attend.

Information: (310) 430-1021

Huntington Beach

City Council meeting

When: Today, 6:30 p.m.

Where: City Council chambers, 2000 Main St.

What: The City Council will consider a new ordinance that would allow residents of mobile home parks to sublease their units when they are unable to live there. The council also will consider spending $100,000 to continue receiving services from the firm of Poppin & Shier regarding the city’s legal challenges over the Orange County bankruptcy.

Information: City clerk’s office, (714) 536-5227


City Council meeting

When: Tuesday, 4 p.m.

Where: City Hall, 303 Commonwealth Ave.

What: The City Council will consider raising the paramedic annual fees from $20 to $24. A hearing will take place on the matter.


Information: (714) 738-6300

Fountain Valley

City Council meeting

When: Tuesday, 7 p.m.

Where: City Council chambers, 10200 Slater Ave.

What: The City Council will hold a public hearing to consider adopting Fountain Valley’s General Plan. The council also will consider renewing its contract with Martin Luther Hospital for an emergency services sexual-assault evaluation program. The Police Department has been receiving evidence from the hospital in sexual assault cases.

Information: City clerk’s office, (714) 966-4400

This column is designed to offer a sampling of public meeting occurring this week. For information about meetings in your area, please call your local government office.

