
SANTA MONICA : Fortson Scholarship Fund Grows

Santa Monica College has received more than $5,000 in donations for the Davy Fortson Scholarship Fund.

The scholarship to aid promising students will be awarded annually in memory of the star basketball player, school officials said. Fortson, 19, was shot and killed at a Santa Monica hamburger stand Feb. 17, an hour after leading his team to a division championship.

Santa Monica College’s student government recently voted to donate $2,000 to the scholarship fund and the Martin Luther King Jr. Westside Coalition donated $500. Fortson often returned to his alma mater, Dorsey High School, to coach and counsel young students.


Santa Monica College officials said an additional $2,500 has been received from the public. The first scholarship will be presented in June, 1996, and will consist of interest from the endowment fund, which school officials hope will keep growing.

“Davy Fortson was making his own contribution to other kids as a role model and mentor,” said Iao Katagiri, head of the Martin Luther King Jr. Westside Coalition. “The scholarship fund will never replace him, but will remind young people that there are important principles to remember as they seek a career.”

Contributions may be sent to the Davy Fortson Scholarship Fund, SMC-Development office, 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405-1628.
