
SANTA PAULA : Residents Discuss Landfill Expansion

Concerned about the proposed expansion of the Toland Road Landfill, about 70 people attended a meeting Wednesday in Santa Paula to comment on the plan.

“I just don’t think it’s right for us to take Ventura and Oxnard garbage into our regional dump,” said Mike Shore, adding that expanding the dump would not be compatible with the adjacent avocado and citrus orchards.

The two-hour meeting at the Santa Paula Community Center was held by the Ventura Regional Sanitation District, which operates the landfill.


Last month, the agency’s directors voted to launch an environmental study that could clear the way for a tenfold expansion of the dump’s capacity. If it is expanded, the landfill could handle west county trash after Oxnard’s Bailard Landfill closes, which could be as early as summer, 1996.

Ever since the sanitation district proposed expanding the Toland dump, situated between Santa Paula and Fillmore, the agency had been criticized for not providing residents the opportunity to speak on the proposal. District officials subsequently decided to hold two public meetings in an effort to reach out to all residents near the landfill.

The second meeting is scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at the Memorial Building, 511 2nd St., in Fillmore.
