
Obituaries - March 14, 1995

Abrams, Clyde Lee, 90, of Fillmore, plant maintenance worker at Continental Bakery. Skillin-Carroll Mortuary, Fillmore.

Boehm, Joshua Michael and Jessica Lynn, of Ojai, twins, died at birth. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.

Dalton, Vera T., 74, of Ventura, a retired bookkeeper. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.

Findley, Earl Rhea, 87, of Santa Paula, retired state agriculture inspector. Skillin-Carroll Mortuary, Santa Paula.


Ismay, Harold R., 83, of Ventura, a retired heavy-equipment operator. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.

Karow, Roland Albert, 87, of Camarillo, retired Marquardt Aircraft employee. Pierce Brothers Griffin Mortuary, Camarillo.

Slavin, Gennie, 81, of Simi Valley, retired beautician for Abraham & Strauss. Utter-McKinley Mortuary, Mission Hills.


Waller, Otella H., 94, of Simi Valley, retired switchboard operator. Reardon Simi Valley Mortuary, Simi Valley.

Ventura County obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. Obituaries are based on information provided by mortuaries.
