
Cosmology Seminar Planned at UCLA

The birth and death of stars, the future of the universe, stellar explosions and the origin of life are among the topics to be discussed at a symposium on “The Origin and Evolution of the Universe” Friday at UCLA.

Hosted by the Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life, leading astronomers and astrophysicists will discuss details of some recent developments in cosmology. The program is suited for a general-interest audience and will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in UCLA’s Schoenberg Auditorium. (310) 825-1769


* L.A. Shanti, an AIDS service organization, will hold a seminar for people with AIDS and HIV beginning at 5 p.m. Friday and continuing through Sunday in Occidental College’s Johnson Hall. Workshops and presentations on nutrition, legal issues and treatment options will be discussed by experts. (213) 962-8197


* Dr. Sherwin B. Nuland, author of the award-winning “How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter,” will discuss “The Dilemma of Suffering” at 8 p.m. Friday in the Starlight Ballroom of the Miramar Sheraton Hotel, Santa Monica. His lecture is presented in conjunction with the fourth annual Frontiers of Healthcare Ethics Conference, co-sponsored by the University of Southern California and the UniHealth Foundation. (213) 740-2541


* The 25th anniversary of Earth Day is approaching and the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium is offering a “Hands on the Environment,” workshop for educators at all grade levels from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday. Teachers will receive materials on marine-related environmental issues to take back to the classroom. (310) 548-7563


* Bob Barnes, coordinator of the Birds in the Balance program for the National Audubon Society, will discuss habitat preservation, migratory land bird monitoring and various programs of the Audubon Society at its monthly meeting at 8 p.m. tonight in Plummer Park in West Hollywood. (213) 876-0202


* Robert Flippin of the Conejo Valley Audubon Society will lead visitors on a walk to view migratory birds from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Saturday at the Soka University campus in Calabasas. (818) 880-4649
