
GARDEN GROVE : Police Chief Permitted to Apply for Grant

The City Council has authorized Police Chief Stanley L. Knee to apply for a $300,000 federal grant under President Clinton’s crime bill to hire four more police officers.

An answer from the Department of Justice is expected in about 45 days. If the request is approved, the officers will join the 171-member Police Department in December.

Recruitment has begun, Knee said, and those chosen are expected to enroll at the Golden West College Police Academy in June and graduate by late November or early December.


“This grant offers cities an opportunity to improve crime-fighting activities through the use of a community-policing philosophy,” Knee said.

Signed into law last year, the crime bill allows cities with populations of more than 50,000 to apply for federal grants to offset the costs of hiring additional police officers.

The grant pays 40% of the officers’ salaries and expenses for uniforms and equipment, or about $25,000 a year per officer for three years. The city pays the remaining 60%.


After three years, the city has to shoulder the entire cost.

Last year, the city used a federal grant to hire six police officers, who are expected to stay with the department even after the grant expires in 1997, according to Police Capt. Dave Abrecht.

He said he expects those who will be hired under the new grant to also remain with the department.
