
Orange County Almanac

Orange County got its name as a public relations move.

When the name for a proposed “Orange County” was first suggested in 1872, there were no orange groves here, nor was there a city of Orange. In 1872, grapes were the dominant cash crop of the area, and the few orange trees were seedlings.

Nonetheless, someone at an 1872 convention calling for a new county suggested the name “Orange.” Historian J.M. Guinn, in a 1902 book, said “Orange County” was proposed because proponents of a new county believed “immigrants would be attracted by the name.”

When the new county was finally created in 1889, it was indeed given the magic “Orange” name.



Methodist minister Donald Locher will discuss the art of woodcarving with the Laguna Beach chapter of the National League of American Pen Women.

Locher will share his knowledge of the history and art of woodcarving and display antique woodcarving tools.

The group will meet at 11:30 a.m. at Hirondelle’s Restaurant in San Juan Capistrano for the talk, “Art and Hope Expressed Through Woodcarving.”
