
Times Sports Section, 4 Writers Honored as Top 10 in Country

The Los Angeles Times sports section was judged to be among the top 10 in the country in 1994, and four of its writers were honored individually by the Associated Press Sports Editors.

The Times made the top 10 in the daily and Sunday categories for papers with circulation of more than 175,000.

Event coverage stories by Chris Dufresne and Bill Plaschke were chosen among the top 10, as was a feature story by Mike Downey. Lisa Dillman was honored for investigative reporting in a series of stories she wrote in collaboration with James Bates of The Times business staff.


A story by Mark Alesia of the Los Angeles Daily News was ranked among the top 10 for enterprise reporting. The Daily News was given honorable mention for its daily section and the Orange County Register was given honorable mention for both its daily and Sunday sections.

Sixty-six sports editors from around the country participated in the judging. The section and writing winners will receive awards at APSE’s annual June convention in Atlanta.
