
CAMARILLO : Parks Trustee Marsden Resigns

Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District trustees have accepted with regret the resignation of six-year board member William G. Marsden and agreed to fill his vacancy by appointment.

Marsden, 70, resigned Feb. 1 because of respiratory problems and a condition requiring him to be on dialysis. He said his health has precluded his attending board meetings since last August.

“It’s a shame my health won’t allow me to continue to serve,” Marsden said in an interview late last month. “I felt it was best for the district that I resign now. I’m going to miss being on the board very much.”


Eldred Lokker, general manager of the district, praised Marsden’s service for the district as both an employee and a trustee. Marsden was a longtime employee, starting out in park maintenance and ending up as a supervisor. He retired eight years ago, then ran for elected office.

“For me and the board, we’re sorry that it had to be because I think he was a good board member,” Lokker said Thursday. “With his background and knowledge in park development and park maintenance he was a real asset to the decision-making process on the board.”

Lokker said anyone interested in serving on the board should submit a letter of interest by March 17 to the board at the Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District, 1605 E. Burnley St., Camarillo, 93010. Prospective trustees should be California registered voters who live or own property in the district.


After all applications are submitted, trustees will conduct interviews, Lokker said.
