
Israeli-Syrian Peace

Yossi Melman’s question, “why the Israeli-Syrian peace talks can’t get beyond the talking stage” (Opinion, Feb. 26), should be directed to the Israeli government and not to the Syrian. It would have been more appropriate if the deputy foreign minister of Israel, Yossi Beilin, directed his question whether the Syrians are truly interested to embark on the road to peace to the Israeli government instead of the Syrian.

Syria’s position has been very clear since the beginning of the Madrid conference: “total withdrawal for total peace.” The Israelis, on the other hand, have not expressed their willingness to commit to a total withdrawal of the occupied Syrian territories, namely “the Golan Heights.” According to Melman’s article, Yitzhak Rabin rejects any Syrian or international demand for a full Israeli withdrawal to the old border between the two countries, therefore it is very reasonable to conclude that the Israeli position or the lack of thereof is a major obstacle to the peace talks.


Syrian Arab American Assn.

Mission Viejo
