
Obituaries - March 3, 1995

Berry, Florence G., 88, of Burbank, homemaker. The Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Burns, John Howard, 60, of North Hills, mechanic for TWA. Eternal Valley Mortuary, Newhall.

Cabrera, Robustiano S., 82, of Burbank, retired carpenter for Bethlehem Steel. The Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Conklin, Wanda N., 76, of Sherman Oaks, retired teacher. Aftercare California Cremation & Burial Society, North Hollywood.


Davidson, Albert M., 83, of North Hills, retired industrial scrap collector. Glasband-Willen Mortuary, North Hollywood.

Moniz, Irene, 82, of Burbank, retired assembler for Collins Radio. The Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Murphone, Lillian J., 88, of Cranbury, N.J., formerly of Van Nuys, homemaker. Lorenzen Mortuary, Reseda.


Perez, Roberto Gomez, infant, of Sylmar. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.

Roberts, Katharyne, 91, of North Hollywood, retired owner of Katharyne James Playhouse. Forest Lawn Mortuary, Hollywood Hills.

Rosulek, Robert L. Sr., 73, of North Hollywood, retired controller for Watts Community Action Labor Committee. Praiswater Funeral Home, Van Nuys.

Seidel, Donald C., 46, of Lancaster, data processor for California Department of Social Services. Chapel of the Valley Mortuary, Palmdale.


Welch, Martha J., 87, of Canoga Park, homemaker. Bastian & Perrott Mortuary, Northridge.

Wienerman, Edele, 78, of Sherman Oaks, retired accountant. Glasband-Willen Mortuary, North Hollywood.

Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
