
Westminster School Trustees Elect President

The Westminster School District Board of Trustees has narrowly voted to install Michael J. Verrengia as board president.

Without comment, the board voted 3 to 2 for Verrengia at its Thursday night meeting. Trustees Sondra Rinker, Lynn Covey and Verrengia voted in favor of the motion while Kathleen Stirling Iverson and Nancy L. Blumenthal opposed it.

All three voting for Verrengia were newcomers to the board who were elected in November and sworn in Thursday night.


Verrengia will preside over meetings and represent the district at special functions, district spokeswoman Audrey Brown said.

The board voted unanimously to name Iverson vice president and Covey clerk of the board. The vice president’s responsibilities include presiding over meetings when the president is absent. The clerk signs official documents. All terms are for one year, Brown said.
