
Orange County Almanac

The county’s median family income is expected to rebound this year after three straight years of decline, according to the Orange County Progress Report.

County officials project that the 1994 median income will be $54,413, up $33 from 1993’s median income.

Here’s a list of median family incomes for the last six years:

1989: $49,916

1990: $53,000

1991: $56,380

1992: $56,346

1993: $54,380

1994: $54,413


A lecture about the people and pottery of Nepal and neighboring countries will be presented by James Danisch at 7:30 p.m. at the Irvine Fine Arts Center.


The Northern California artist worked with potters in Nepal for nine years as part of a ceramics promotion project conducted by the government of Nepal and an agency in Germany.

The Fine Arts Center is at 14321 Yale Ave. in Irvine’s Heritage Park. Admission is $5. Information: (714) 724-6880.
