
Seal Beach OKs Lower Speed Limits Near McGaugh School

The City Council has approved lower speed limits near McGaugh Elementary School, an action prompted by the death of a 12-year-old boy in July who was struck by a car while standing on a sidewalk across from the school.

The speed limit on Seal Beach Boulevard will be reduced from 40 m.p.h. to 25 m.p.h. in a zone extending to 375 feet north of the Bolsa Avenue school. The 25-m.p.h. speed limit on Bolsa Avenue will be lowered to 15 m.p.h. in the school area. Both speed limits will apply only when children are present.

City officials say new speed limit signs will be in place within several weeks.

McGaugh Elementary School parents were stunned by the death of Christopher Schneider, who was hit by a car while waiting to walk his bicycle across Seal Beach Boulevard. They formed the Christopher Committee to push for lower speed limits, pedestrian barriers, warning lights and other safety measures.


“All of the members of the Christopher Committee are thrilled that we’ve taken these first steps,” said parent Renee Handler, a witness to the accident. “The community has suffered a real tragedy. Obviously, we think there are more things that need to be looked at.”

A recent traffic study of the school area refers to the coming and going of students as “mass confusion” and reports that up to 24,000 cars pass by the school each day.

City Manager Jerry L. Bankston said the city is considering additional measures, including relocating the school bus pickup area, lowering speed limits on nearby Riviera Drive, moving bike lanes, widening sidewalks, re-synchronizing traffic lights and installing a specially marked school crossing.
