
Company Town


Total album and single sales of CDs and cassettes for the week ended Nov. 6, compared to week-ago and year-ago levels, in millions of units sold:

Latest week: Albums: 10.9 Singles: 1.8

Week-ago: Albums: 10.5 Singles: 1.8

Year-ago: Albums: 10.3 Singles: 2.3

Hits Magazine Tip of the Week

Despite a red-hot year on the charts, industry insiders say, things aren’t so rosy within the executive ranks of Virgin Records. Virgin Worldwide Executive Vice President Nancy Berry’s newly assumed hands-on management style has many wondering who’s in charge at the label’s Los Angeles headquarters. Apparently, one person also asking that question is Virgin U.S. President Phil Quartararo, who flew to London this week for a showdown with Virgin Music Group Worldwide Chairman Ken Berry--Nancy Berry’s husband.

Note: Hits magazine is a weekly music industry trade publication.

Source: Soundscan Inc.
