
ORANGE COUNTY VOICES: LETTERS ON THE NOVEMBER ELECTIONS : The Debate Over Rights and Wrongs That Is Proposition 187

It is unbelievable that so many respected and supposedly intelligent people have completely missed the full import of Proposition 187 and its real purpose. For those Americans, the proposition offers the only opportunity to protest strongly the occupation of our nation by other nations. The problem now is one of uncontrolled numbers of aliens, both legal and illegal, overwhelming every phase of California’s infrastructure.

Because there is no employment nor housing for vast numbers of these immigrants, they have become directly related to crime of every description. Many of those in opposition to the initiative are the same people who sold their family homes in the Los Angeles area in order to escape this invasion of poverty, crime, inferior schools and foreign languages. They have not looked back to see the destruction of most areas that have been lost to the invasion.

Vote yes on Proposition 187, paying no attention to the cries of racism and the other constitutional problems concerning the initiative. It will immediately be taken to the Supreme Court where most of it will be declared null and void by that learned group of officialdom. However, you will have given a political message to the Congress, which has chosen up to this point to completely ignore the problem.



Monarch Beach

* As an ESL instructor at Rancho Santiago College, I work with immigrant students. I, too, wonder about the problems that massive immigration is bringing to our country, but I see the cause as an uncontrolled population explosion that virtually no one is trying to do anything about. Study of the demographic statistics alone makes it obvious that people are going to be spilling over our borders.

Yes, the problem does need attention. I doubt, however, that the solution will be found in higher walls or stiffer laws, and the idea of forbidding education to children who are here illegally appalls me. Proposition 187, I am convinced, as The Times maintains in its editorial of Oct. 2, will lead to costly court cases and increased gangs. In addition, I believe that Proposition 187 will cause the widespread use of false documents forcing even children to engage in illegal behaviors.

In our search for answers, let us remember that immigrants, too, are people--individuals with passions, dreams, minds--just like the rest of us.



Huntington Beach

* In recent editorials and columns, The Times has emphasized supposed dire consequences when Proposition 187 passes. I recall another time when opponents of Proposition 13 had similar warning cries.

Proposition 187 is not perfect, nor was Proposition 13. Both propositions arise from the failure of government to address crisis conditions. Taxpaying citizens are saying with Proposition 187 that the time has come to fix the crisis. Solutions for big problems begin with the first step, precisely what Proposition 187 is.

Fine-tuning and modification will follow from the courts and Legislature, and Proposition 187 is a loud, clear message for them to get started now, and to use strong, effective means. I will vote for Proposition 187 and for candidates who recognize they are elected to serve taxpaying citizens first and foremost.



Huntington Beach

* I am getting tired of American citizens who want laws upheld and criminal behavior stopped being labeled as racist.

Those who want illegal immigration stopped are called racists. Why?

Why is it that when an American citizen, who has worked so hard, in many cases for a lifetime, and wants to keep what little they’ve managed to accumulate are labeled racist for speaking up in their effort to do so?

Why is that?


Laguna Beach

* The Times ran an article (Oct. 3) describing the opposition of many churches to Proposition 187, even to the extent of preaching against the proposal from the pulpit. This leaves no voice from the pews for those who disagree with their clergyman.

The church is free to educate and cure as many illegal aliens as it wishes to pay for. The tax-exempt church is free to pay taxes and then enter political debate. It is unfair, however, for the church to lecture a captive congregation on how to vote.


Santa Ana

* I am an Amerasian social worker who strongly opposes (Proposition 187) on an ethical agenda, not a financial one. This initiative does not address illegal immigration, but rather creates a police state. I, for one, will not report anyone on the “suspicion of being undocumented.” To do so would negate everything that social work stands for, as well as fly in the face of both ethical and legal codes and would further lead to the destruction of our society.


Huntington Beach

* As the director of a shelter for battered women, Proposition 187 holds grave concerns. First, the loss of $10 million to $15 million in federal funds if Proposition 187 passes. Historically, social services agencies are the first to receive funding cuts when there is a shortfall in state funding. Second, and perhaps most important, battered women who are also immigrants will not only be battered by their partners, but battered by the system as well. Men who batter women who are also illegal immigrants frequently use the women’s residency status as a tool for control. Even women who are eligible for a green card are denied access by the battering partner who may lock away important papers.


The question also arises as to sheltering battered women. Will we be forced to deny access to women who cannot produce the appropriate papers, thereby forcing them to return to the battering partner or living on the streets?

For God’s sake, think about the consequences to the women and children who are the helpless victims of domestic violence. Please vote no on this unconscionably and unconstitutional Proposition 187.


Laguna Beach

* While my friend Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) correctly blames the Democrat-controlled Congress for permitting illegal aliens to receive far too many taxpayer-funded services, Proposition 187 remains a fatally flawed and immoral response.

Gov. Pete Wilson’s lawsuit and the success of Operation Gatekeeper along the California border demonstrate that there are better ways to go around a recalcitrant Congress.

It is also sheer hyperbole to suggest that we are “spending California into bankruptcy to provide benefits to illegal aliens.” The demise of this state’s once great economy is the result of high taxes and over-regulation on lawful businesses and citizens. Extremely low-wage jobs accepted by illegal aliens actually have helped many businesses and families survive in a very unfriendly economic environment--not to mention the sales and other taxes derived from their economic activity.

Come on, illegal immigrants come here for a job, not a health plan! But once here, denying them a vaccination threatens all our health and our souls. By using innocent schoolchildren as bait and then denying an education to them, any conservative who votes for Proposition 187 brings shame to their advocacy of traditional family values. Do the right thing, we’re better than this.



Seal Beach
