
Try Other Uses for Hughes Site

A recent edition of The Times indicated Fullerton would consider allowing the Hughes site to be developed by private housing interests. This is not needed at this time or in the immediate future. The site should be utilized as it stands with little or no modification. The use of this area will be determined in part by an environmental study to evaluate any hazardous conditions that exist.

A few quick suggestions:

1. A multi-industrial, research-development facility in transportation and communications, eliminating unnecessary duplication of effort and public expenditure.

2. A multi-governmental facility incorporating all levels federal, state, county, etc. Again the purpose is to eliminate duplication. Combining agencies with similar purposes and functions.


3. Prison.

4. Educational complex for the majority of the population to increase their employment potential, e.g. medical care, data entry, food handling and processing, fabrication.

These are not new or revolutionary concepts; however, they are seldom implemented and may be considered by some to be contrary to the American philosophy of competition. Now is the time to survive.

A possible contact might be the head of the federal General Services Administration, Roger Johnson, an Orange County resident.



La Habra
