
Pop Album Chart

For the week ending Sept. 24

Rank Rank 2 Weeks Last Weeks on the Week Ago Chart 1. “From the Cradle,” Eric Clapton ... ... 1 2. “II,” Boyz II Men 1 1 3 3. “Rhythm of Love,” Anita Baker ... ... 1 4. “The Lion King,” soundtrack 2 2 16 5. “Dookie,” Green Day 4 5 32 6. “Smash,” Offspring 6 11 18 7. “Forrest Gump,” soundtrack 3 3 11 8. “Tuesday Night Music Box,” Sheryl Crow 11 15 29 9. “Purple,” Stone Temple Pilots 5 6 39 10.”The Sign,” Ace of Base 10 7 43

Source: Billboard/Soundscan
