
Population Policies

* The scary news is out that soon, by the year 2012, the costs of our entitlements will consume all of the tax revenue, leaving no funds for anything like defense, law enforcement, education or libraries.

Your suggested remedies of “novel population policies and more aggressive tax collection” in a recent editorial gave me great cause for concern.

You weren’t by chance thinking of China’s “novel” population policy which gives women no choice when it comes to a second child, forcing abortions with harassment, fines, imprisonment and other coercive consequences? I hope you didn’t have in mind Hitler’s “novel” population policy which required the elderly, mentally ill and other unwanted groups like the Jews to pay with their lives for the entitlement programs he promised and delivered to the Germans.


Isn’t it less barbaric to reduce entitlement programs rather than resort to “novel population policies” to pay for them?


Mission Viejo
