
‘Andre’ and Human Value

I recently took my 10-year-old son to see “Andre.” Within minutes, we were viewing two children calling each other “retards.” It was appalling to hear this derogatory language being used and modeled for children. This discriminatory language devalues people with mental retardation.

I am extremely upset at the lack of consciousness and sensitivity demonstrated by this choice of words. This offensive language and the lack of respect it displays promotes “handicapism” and is no more acceptable than any other ethnic, cultural and racist slur.

Many parents, such as myself, have spent years advocating for children with disabilities. My son, Brandon, is a person with mental retardation. He has the right to be treated with respect and dignity.


Human dignity and respect for others is not only an essential value to teach our children, it is also each child’s right!

We all have much work to do in raising the consciousness of children and adults regarding the value and respect due people with disabilities. I am requesting that Paramount Pictures consider this issue and change the language prior to releasing “Andre” for home video.


Los Angeles
