
DANA POINT : Applicants Sought for 3 City Panels

The city is looking for several people to work on its planning, economic development and traffic commissions.

To qualify for the panels, applicants must be a resident of the city and a registered voter. Applications can be picked up at the city clerk’s office at City Hall, 33282 Street of the Golden Lantern, Suite 203.

The deadline for turning in the paperwork for all commissions is Sept. 30.

Three vacancies exist on the Planning Commission, which oversees development in the community and makes recommendations to the council regarding land use. Commissioners must be familiar with the city’s General Plan.


Commissioners serve four-year terms. There is also one opening for an alternate commissioner who would serve for two years.

The Traffic Improvement Commission has two seats open. Commissioners serve for two years and are charged with reviewing traffic programs and evaluating all requests from the public involving traffic and parking issues.

One opening exists for an alternate commissioner who would serve for one year.

Two seats are open on the Economic Development Commission, in addition to one alternate commissioner position. Commissioners serve two-year terms and the alternate for one year.


The Economic Development Commission advises the City Council on issues affecting the local economy.

The commission is responsible for helping promote tourism, as well as developing plans to attract new businesses to Dana Point and make local merchants happy.

For more information about the commission openings, call City Hall at (714) 248-3505.
