
CRA Quake Funds

Your article on Community Redevelopment Agency housing dollars (“Quake-Hit Areas Win More Funds,” Aug. 31) mischaracterized both my compromise motion and the issues at stake in the debate.

Contrary to the article, my motion would have actually provided more housing dollars to earthquake-ravaged areas ($18.7 million instead of $18 million) than did the motion that passed. Five million of the $23 million total contained in the prevailing motion was not designated for repair of earthquake-damaged housing units. Rather, it went for the construction of new low-income housing units citywide, for which earthquake victims would be given priority.

Lost in press accounts that have portrayed this issue merely as a tug-of-war over dollars between Valley and City was the fact that 100% of the dollars being debated were to be used for subsidized low- and moderate-income housing. These funds would have had limited ability to assist Valley earthquake victims of all income levels.


As a Times editorial pointed out (Aug. 23), this divisive City Council debate hinged over a grand total of $8 million--less than one-half of 1% of the total earthquake aid available to us and enough to fund only two or three low-income housing projects.

LAURA CHICK, Los Angeles City Council
