
Many Businesses Are to Blame for Own Failure

* Re: “Headaches for Small Business” (Aug. 30), one cannot be cavalier about the social, economic and geologic problems impacting regional businesses, particularly smaller ones. Nonetheless, Los Angeles remains an enormously bounteous place where initiative can be abundantly rewarded. It may be convenient to blame Congress, the earthquake, the economy, Reagan or Clinton for commercial failure, but a great part of blame rests with proprietors who tolerate inept and slovenly business practices.

As a customer, I will go elsewhere when I am treated with indifference, when posted business hours are not honored, or when my reasonable commercial needs are ignored. As a paying consumer I will spend money, but I will spend it selectively.

Many business failures are the sorrowful result of extenuating circumstances, but many result from lack of effort or motivation. For this second group, responsibility for failure rests on indifference and sheer incompetence rather than on a nebulous scapegoat. The outcome is appropriate and should surprise nobody.



Woodland Hills
