
Don Rogers

* Three cheers for state Sen. Don Rogers (R-Tehachapi) on his courageous stand against the liberal thought-police bullies of the old “raw deal” coalition (“Rogers Plans Talk to Group Termed Racist,” Aug. 27). Why is it that those who most decry McCarthyism are always the first to practice it whenever their idea of political correctness is offended? Welfare demagogues like Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco) should remember that we are first and foremost “the land of the free”--and not the free lunch (“Senator’s Name Stripped From Bill After Speech,” Aug. 31).

If we are ever to get our beloved country back, it will be through the likes of courageous and outspoken men and women like Rogers.

Don’t conclude that those of us who feel this way about free and frank discussion and are supportive of Rogers’ brand of hardheaded conservatism are necessarily racist. However proud we may be of our heritage, many, many of us love and honor those of African descent whose ancestors, as much or more than our own, helped to build this country with pick and shovel and hoe.


Liberals don’t have a monopoly on noble feelings--just on foolishness and insincerity.


Shell Beach
