
THE GOODS : ECONOTES : Checklist Lets Kids In on Eco-Action


To get the new school year off to a green start, the largest children’s environmental group in the country is offering an eco-action tip sheet.

“Ten Things Kids Can Do to Help the Earth” is a checklist of activities ranging from recycling to planting a tree.

It’s the latest project from Kids For A Clean Environment (KIDS F.A.C.E.), founded in 1989 by 9-year-old Melissa Poe of Nashville, Tenn.


Melissa received national attention when she wrote a letter to the White House discussing her fears about pollution. She got a lot of support from kids--and from corporate sponsors, who continue to underwrite costs of the program.

For a free copy of the tip sheet, send your name and address to:

KIDS F.A.C.E. Tip Sheet

P.O. Box 2703

Lewisburg, Tenn. 37091

If You’re Ready to Go Totally Eco

If you’re really interested in living a more environmentally correct life, you’ll like a new book from San Diego environmental consultant Jim Bell. His self-published guide to “Achieving Eco-Nomic Security on Spaceship Earth” is getting excellent reviews for its practical information.

This book offers suggestions on how to turn the environment around. For information, write to Bell at 2923 E. Spruce St., San Diego, Calif. 92104.


A Day When the Coast Gets a Good Scrubbing

Want to take a hands-on approach to defending the environment? Volunteers of all ages are welcome to join in the 10th Annual Coastal Cleanup Day on Sept. 17.

Cleanup Day is part of the California Coastal Commission’s ongoing adopt-a-beach program, which combines conservation, education, recycling and action to fight litter.

For Cleanup Day details (and to order a Coastal Cleanup T-shirt if you want to be in uniform) call the CCC at (800) COAST-4U.



The City of Los Angeles Hazmobile will collect hazardous household waste by appointment only in these locations: San Pedro from Thursday to Saturday and Sept. 15-17; Sun Valley on Sept. 22-24 and Sept. 29-Oct. 1, and Rancho Park, Oct. 6-8 and Oct. 13-15. Call (800) 988-6942.
