
The Other Side of ‘Save Our State’ Fight

In response to the article “Coalition Prepares to Battle ‘Save Our State’ Proposition” (Aug. 3), we find it interesting that the organizations behind the campaign stand to lose money if Prop. 187 passes in November. We understand their worries, we just hope that the public understands their motives.

“Money talks” is an old expression, but it’s still true today. And it’s ironic that those who advocate the violation of our laws and disrespect for our country seem to have the most money. Why do we reward them, not only with cash, but with publicity?

Extremist rhetoric does get publicity, but does it deserve it?

When the members of the Children’s Alliance call us “Soldiers of Satan,” or “Nazis” or “racists,” they are trying to divert people’s attention away from the real issue. And that issue is simply how to deal with the problem of illegal aliens. Do we enforce our laws? Do we try to conserve our ever scarce tax dollars? Or do we just do nothing because the issue is too politically sensitive?


The rhetoric from MALDEF and LULAC is inflammatory and does not serve the public interest. Could it be that they have no legitimate argument to put forward into the public debate? That’s why some people resort to name-calling.

We would hope that the purported “members” of the Children’s Alliance will grow up and approach this important debate in an adult manner. Any attempt to inflame racial hatred can only hurt us all. We hope that in the public interest, they will put aside their profit motives and consider the best interests of California’s future.


Santa Ana

Ronald Prince is co-chairman of Proposition 187, the Save Our State initiative.
