
Watching Out for Sex, TV and the Kids

I read with interest the article “Sex on TV: The Children Are Watching” by Rick Du Brow (July 30), and I have a question: Have you watched the 6 p.m. news lately? If you haven’t had enough sex and violence by 7 p.m., just stay tuned for “Entertainment Tonight.”

I checked with my daughter about this. She affirms that it is all she and her husband can do to monitor what the kids watch. They care. How many other parents do?


San Diego


I agree with Du Brow regarding adult fare in prime time. I would like to know if members of the families of writers, directors and producers also jump into bed on the first date. Do their families use the vulgar words and profanities and sexual talk that they write about, direct or produce? I know programs have to exaggerate, but I cannot believe that average Americans act or talk like this.



Santa Barbara


Somewhere along the line, TV producers must accept responsibility for encouraging behavior that condemns countless children to be born into dysfunctional families or--sadder yet--HIV-positive. It’s too large a social issue to thoughtlessly allow profiteers to pursue their greedy goals without censure.


La Canada
